The Jounery of Life


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What a difference a day makes

Today has been a busy day for me. Not killing my computer took a great deal of that time! When I finish this entry I will post it right away just so it doesn't disappear like yesterdays. I swear this computer is frigid. It keeps freezing up on me!!!! I even have warm hands. Anyway, my friend came to visit on her day off. We had lunch and watched the Full Monty. We both have seen it many times but it is sooooo funny. I have yet however to meet a man who likes it. Go figure. I received some very warm and encouraging e-mails from friends I lost for a while when I lost my memory. After getting out of the hospital I totally lost my password and the answer to my security question. There was no way I could find to contact Microsoft. And my new pulmonlogist has me doing a sleep study which has nothing to do with my lungs. He is also referring me to a neurologist as he suspects I'm having parital seizures. Hey that would be a good excuse for my bad memory! I have started a "cause" on facebook: equal rights. Check it out. I just started it so I don't have a lot done yet. That is one of my most passionate causes. I believe women and men should be treated equally. We have come a long way. Though there is so much further to go. I am troubled when I hear young women saying they feel like they have all the rights they need. I'm sure they don't realize many of the rights they have were hard won and can be lost easily. Women still do not receive equal pay for equal work. There is still a glass ceiling. There are still double standards for men and women. These things are not only deterimental to women but also to men. I am appalled at the treatment of women in other countries. I used to be a very active activist for many causes. I was a NOW chapter president in Biloxi MS. We used to have to keep people at the women's health clinic 24/7 just to keep it from being bombed and escort women into the clinic. Many of those women were there for services other than abortions. The people who do those things are not pro-life. Abortion is a woman's decision. I am not pro - abortion I am pro-choice. I used to write letters to the editor, do get the vote out events, teach women's self defense classes, volunteer and then later work at a Rape Crisis Center. I also belonged to the Freedom From Religion Foundation. I believe strongly in separation of church and state. I was raised catholic and laughingly refer to myself as a "recovering catholic". I spent a great deal of my life being a card carrying atheist. It always amazed how atheists or freethinkers never knocked on doors to try and change someone to their point of view. In many places, being an atheist was almost worse then being gay/lesbian. When I moved to Tucson my lack of faith changed in a way. I still don't believe in a "religion", I would probably be characterized as a spiritualist. I believe the world, the sky, the planets, the universe is godly and as part of that universe we are part of the godliness of the universe. I used to believe the only thing I could trust was me. I believe we create our realities but that as we all are part of the universe and carry a piece of this universal life force energy we can change the world as long as we do our best to carry love, compassion and forgiveness in our hearts and minds. I am a minister in the Universal Life Church. I became a minister for a number of different reasons, one being this is not a traditional ministery and I agree with all of the tenets. Tolerance being one of the most important and doing no harm. I wanted to be able to marry any of my gay friends. I haven't had the fortune to do that yet but I can legally marry people. I am also a Reiki Master Teacher. It is an ancient Japanese healing art. I will talk more about that in the future. My mentor is a wonderful woman who also taught goddess workshops as well as Reiki. None of us are perfect. I know because I want to kill my computer many times a day though I must say it works better for me when I do Reiki energy healing on it. But as a human I still sometimes just want to beat the snot out of it! But in general, I am at peace more of the time then not. During my illness, time in the hospital and my continued paralysis I have never wondered "why me". I have always known and continue to believe I am going through this to learn lessons that are for this lifetime and if I learn them now what I need to learm in my next life will be different. Yes, I believe in reincarnation. There are many things I believe in now that 20 years ago I thought was a lot of crock. It was not my time to aware of the things I am aware of now. I feel my purpose in this lifetime is to be a role model and to try help people see the strength in themselves. I'm so glad I was able to get more written today. The computer Reiki energy healing must have helped! You really can send reiki energy to objects. Objects and people, we are all made of energy and vibrations so everything deserves the love in our hearts and on that note I will say good night and go cook dinner.

1 comment:

  1. There are times that I, too, wish to kill my computer - or at least ask Kali to destroy the demons inside of it! ;)
