The Jounery of Life


Monday, May 31, 2010

My First Blog Entry

I have done many different things in my life. I have been different people as we all do in any given situation. I love my life even when I don't. The one thing I love to do the most is write. I want to inspire people. I want to show people that everything happens for a reason and whether it is good or bad we learn from it. Last March, I was healthy and working helping others to move toward health in body, mind and spirit. In April, I was in the hospital facing death and then facing life without the ability to walk. A big change for an independent and stubborn woman. I never lost hope no matter what anyone said. I'm not walking yet but I will. I was working on my dissertation when the bone infection hit me. It's not done yet but it will be. I have been writing a romance/erotic novel that is almost finished and now with my time open it will be finished. Writing is a labor of love, a way to paint a picture of beauty, of irony, of lust and of luck. I decided to do a blog because I don't want to wait for books to be finished before I share my experiences. I know it will help me and hopefully it can help those who read them and share ideas with me. Always feel free to ask me anything. I am an open book.