Friday, December 31, 2010
"Out with Old and In with the New"
I am thankful for being born into the family of origin I had. I believe that we choose what family to be born into who will help us learn the lessons we are supposed to learn in this lifetime. Yes, I believe in karma and reincarnation. I believe we are born with all the skills we need to learn the lessons we are sent to learn. The difference we make with our free will is to make the most positive choices we can in our life. I believe that is why it looks like some people make "it" whatever "it" is to you and why some people don't.
I am thankful for all the people who touched my life these past 55 years. Some people just touched me briefly and others have always been with me.
I am thankful for Jennifer my wonderful, strong, intelligent and beautiful daughter.
I am thankful for my two adorable young grandsons and I hope to see them turn into kind, happy, and healthy young men.
I am thankful for all the strong and compassionate women who I have had the privilege to know. I am thankful for those who are actively in my life now.
I am thankful for Lisa my oldest friend. She is always the same no matter how long its been since we talked and she is the person who can make cry the easiest.
I am thankful for Rena. She is the sister is wasn't born with but the one who is closer to me than any sibling could be. She has been there for me in thick and thin. She has looked out for me and helped me through some of my darkest times. We have also had a helluva lot of fun together. Looking back we never doubted our ourselves when we were together. At least that is how I remember it. One perfect example is one weekend camping we took a walk and for some unknown reason decided to walk across a train track of some kind over water. Knowing us we probably did it just to prove we could. Well, she didn't like heights and I didn't like water. So as we walked across this track we held on to each other tighter and tighter. We made it across together. We came back a different way.
Thinking about all our adventures makes me smile. In fact, thinking of all the events in my life that can be thought of as an adventure, I smile. An adventure to me is something that teaches me something about myself, or the world.
I am thankful for Elizabeth. She has been many different people to me. When we worked together we often thought of each other as "office spouse" because we looked out for each other better than any partner ever did. She is younger than me but not really enough for me to be her mother and not young enough to be my daughter. She has been ther for me through many difficult times.
We have had a lot of fun together. I smile when I think of the adventures we have had.
I am thankful for Christina and Mayra.
I am thankful that I lost the ability to walk and that I have regained that ability.
Christina and Mayra are two wonderful young ladies who are going to be nurses and have taken care of me since July 09 when I was released from the hospital.
I owe them so much. They gave me what I needed to keep going, to keep pushing myself and know that they wouldn't let me fail or fall. They have become part of my family and I have been graced to be part of theirs. I hope that in 2011 my daughter and my sister can meet my family in Tucson, Elizabeth, Mayra and Christina.
I am thankful for learning so many things the past two years about myself, life and love.
It seems funny to be 55 and feel like you are just getting started again.
I am listening to" Like A Rolling Stone" by Bob Dylan and the last line hit me as so true for me right. I am learning to be all on my own but with support of the most fantastic group of women you could ever imagine.
It paralells what I have endured physically. I am able to stand physically on my own and finally emotionally to stand on my own as well. But I am able to accept the support of those who care about me without feeling weak. Sometimes I can even ask for help.
I am thankful for all the healthcare professionals who have treated me and cared for me these past two years. Doctors who took a chance and operated on me when they weren't even sure if I would survive the infection in my body, and who fixed my back so I could heal. I am thankful for all the nurses, techs and physical/ocuptational therapists that got me out of bed and into a wheelchair. And then got me home and healing.
I am even thankful for those who didn't think I would walk and told me because I love nothing more than a challenge. One of my life rules is that success is the best revenge and while this wasn't revenge I did want to prove them wrong. Fortunately, I had many more people telling me I would walk again.
I am thankful for growing up in New England and knowing the magic of city life. I am thankful for learning early that the mountains and deserts were magic as well. I have found my home in a little City with no skyscrapers but with a beautiful and magical desert surrounded by mountains. Tucson is my city. When I arrived in Tucson the song playing on the radio was "Funkytown". I am very much into the music of my life and that song let me know that this was the right place for me.
I want to thank Davena. One of the first women I met here who have helped me change my life. She has moved and is in Oregon now but I still feel as close to her as if she were right. She helped me get in touch the spiritual self that I lost as teenager. I learned you can be spiritual without being religious and that believing in yourself is believing in Divine Love that lives in each of us.
I am thankful for being born when I was. I was born in 1955 and that was the year Allan Freed coined the term "Rock and Roll". I don't know what I would have done with the music of those early years. The music made me happy, it made me feel understood and sometimes it made me cry. It did what I needed. It kept me from feeling alone.
This will sound silly to some people but I am thankful for being the right age to have really enjoyed the disco era. I absolutely love to dance. Dancing has always been a form of therapy for me. A world I could be in feeling free, strong and happy. I have said along that I would dance again and this is New Years Eve and while I am going to be home I plan on dancing a little in the living room!
Good day for now. I may be back before tomorrow.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Is it just the season that makes most people a bit bluer and the end of another year and start of a new one. All the things we have to be grateful for and all the things we miss, all the things left to do. I guess being a thinker at this season is not the best thing to do. However, being limited in my mobility, finances and ability to get around I have a lot of time to think. I have been trying to get “in touch” with my feelings. I have not been good at it ever. I stay calm, logical and focused on whatever is at hand. It may seem to some that I get emotional but I have held my feelings in for a very long time and sometimes something will slip in get me emotional and since it is just certain people with who I share my feelings. Those few should feel good about it because it means I trust them and I don’t trust many people.
I want to share some very good feelings I had yesterday. My boyfriend came over for awhile and took me out to eat. We got back and just sat on the couch. I didn’t turn the TV on or music. We just sat holding each other. I had forgotten I could feel so safe, so secure. And of course, being the thinker that I am I try to analyze it. Though I did keep trying to just stay with the feeling. It was romantic, comfortable, safe. By just sitting and holding and not even talking I felt more safe then I have since I was a teenager with my high school sweetheart. I felt safe with him. He had been my boyfriend through most of high school and he helped me so much in dealing with my mother. We got engaged and planned an untraditional wedding after we were in college a couple of years. After high school I had a place of my own and he still lived with his parents. I worked in a hospital kitchen and became friends with one of the cooks as we were close in age. Peter, Mark and his fiancĂ©, Audrey became pretty good friends. We hung out together and Audrey and I got to be really good friends or so I thought. Mark found that Peter and Audrey had been messing around. I think I was the one who took it the hardest. I would have bet my life that Peter would never do that to me. When I had no one to trust, I always had him. Until this. Mark didn’t like but seemed able to just brush it off. I broke up our engagement. Mark and Audrey stayed engaged. Mark and I stayed friends and still worked together. We discussed what happened a lot. He felt engaged wasn’t like being married. But that wasn’t how I felt. He and I got close and a bit physical. It didn’t effect their relationship and because of what happened I was not able to maintain a friendship with her. Peter seemed a bit obsessed with my comings and goings. My social life was suffering and since I went to school full time, worked one job full time and another part time my social life already limited. So to get my life back I agreed to marry him. I was still so hurt and angry. Oddly enough, once we were married he stopped hounding me and we pretty much had separate lives. And because I was so hurt and angry I fully intended to go out whoever I wanted whenever I wanted. And that’s what I did for a year. But since we had been best friends after a year of this in your face behavior I knew I was hurting both of us and that we would be better off divorced. I did it since there were no children and he had just moved into my place. All we had to split up were LP’s.
We continued being friends and even did some double dating. If we had stayed married this past June would have been 35 years. And I have no real idea how got from feeling safe and secure last night to my tale of marriage #1. I guess that after feeling that way with Peter before what happened with Audrey, last night was truly the first time in over 35 years that I had that feeling. Sometimes it scares me to feel that way which is why I have not let myself feel it in decades. Last night was simple yet so meaningful. I treasure last night, I treasure that feeling and I hope I feel it again. I believe I have evolved emotionally enough to be open to warm loving feelings if I can’t the rest of my life will be even lonelier than the first half.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
How do you know who you will be
I’ve been thinking a lot about why my font won’t cooperate!!!!!!
No, really I’ve been thinking about what not only makes us who we are but how we end up on the life path we travel. I suppose these thoughts are not so unusual for the coming of a new year. I look back at so much of my life and see a strong determined crusader and if I look at myself through a different kaleidoscope I see something very different. I tried my whole life to do things differently than my mother thinking I could make a better life for my family. I’d say I succeeded professionally. I don’t really have any regrets related to work or school. I am pretty sure I did poorly with male relationships. I guess I didn’t know what to look for anymore than I knew what kind of mother to be. My father left before I was born and I don’t ever recall living with him. My brother was 9 years older and as a little girl I thought he was wonderful. When he turned 18 he joined the Navy and I saw him once after that until our mother died and it had been over 25 years. But he found me then. I am finally beginning to realize that as far as relationships I don’t think I am worthwhile at all. Don’t feel bad that I know this now because all my life I was in denial about that and I got a way with it for the most part because I was always busy with work, school, being the kind of mom I had wanted. And those things kept me fulfilled. Now with the disability I don’t have so many place to put myself. I am walking so much better than I expected. I have wonderful friends, a nice little adopted family and a wonderful family and friends in TN. So this Winter Solstice should be one of my best, and in many ways it is. In trying so hard to be good at things and be independent to protect my heart I think I may have done it an injustice. One of my goals has been to allow myself to feel my emotions. That is something I never let myself do. No matter what hold back the tears, suck up the pain, the disappointment the hurts. I hope I can start the new years with all the bad feelings out. And a new bestseller!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Merry Christmas
Dec. 17th was the first annual Brooks-Mart family holiday gathering. Our two adopted daughters Mayra and Christine shared, pizza, veggies and cheesecakes. Pictures were taken and smiles and laughter were in abundance.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
21 day consciousness cleanse
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Finished with present now off to the future
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Something else
Crappy Saturday
though through the remaining years we kept in touch writing and talking on the phone. We always hoped we'd see each other again. We never have and I think its just letting go of the belief that we will ever see each other that has me so emotional. I really never doubted that we would be together one last time to say good bye. I no longer believe that will be the case. I don't know how his health is and I am no longer in a position to go where he is. So I know it will never be and that makes me very sad. It also reminds me of another man I loved in my life. We were never in the same palce at the same time but again we stayed in touch until just a few years ago. It seems as far as my love life it was always better when they were in it if only with letters and calls. When they are out of my life I feel lost.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day 9 of Consciousness cleanse
Monday, September 6, 2010
Let Your Feelings Flow
If I have an opportunity to see this person again I am going to thank them for their past behavior as it caused me along with the consciousness cleanse to see that you get what you expect. I never expect anything so when I don't get it I'm not surprised and not angry. I won't even try make anything different. I wasn't wrong and this person will no longer be in my life. Not because I'm angry or hurt but because I can do better. Even if I am alone I'm doing better because everyday I like myself more and more. This evening I had a new caregiver filling but the agency did not give her good directions and this is not new and not limited to this agency. It pisses me off. The house they go to the big one which EMPTY, come on people you can see it's empty look around find the small house with lights and people. I yelled at the after hours lady and it wasn't her fault so I did apologize and said I just really need to tell the agency although I have in the past. A few minutes after the aide got here the nurse Cindy showed up (never usually happens). She wanted to make sure everything was all right. I got the impression she was making sure the aide was alright. I never even raise my voice to anyone. The few times I talked to anyone it was in a harsh bitchy way. I am letting my feelings flow through me. I am also raising the bar higher for all things and relationships in my life. One's I already have and any new one's I may find along the way. Especially my new relationship with myself.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
2000 An untimely death
I assure you it is a very good book of poetry. Anyway, back to Peter, I learned at the end of the book that he died in 2000. I feel a deep lose now knowing that he is gone. His poems helped me go through all the loves in my life. I can only hope that material I end up getting published has half the impact that his works have had on me. Please do yourself a favor either buy or get it from the library but read anything by Peter McWilliams. It will touch you.
Last night I failed to do day 5 of my consciousness cleanse but I am going to get back to it and to meditating. I am also going to finish a book a day (that I've already started) and edit one chapter or group of stories of my unpublished material. And as soon as I finish the Shamanism course I will start writing my dissertation. I am motivated again.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Back in the saddle
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The 21 day consciousness cleanse
What is the condition of my spiritual flame right now-gently burning
1-10 where is it-5, where do you want it to be at end of day-7
What is your intention for the day-write and read in any project I am working on.
The feeling I want from this intention is accomplishment.
I will have to keep the TV and music off and spend a minimal amout of time on the computer to make the intention a reality.
What mantra would be healing and help me manifest my intention: Writing and reading are healing activities for me.
How many times will I need to say this mantra 24
This my process for day one which obviously starting in the evening so it will from tonight to tomorrow night. I will share what I learn about myself using this process and I will continue to share other parts of my journey as before. Today I believe I over did it with walking with walker as my back is more painful then usual. And two nights ago I had a strange dream. At first I lived in the streets and tunnels underground in NY and I was a junkie. Then it went directly to my working in a big company but being at a wedding of a very very fat woman to a good looking guy. I tried to talk her out of marrying him but I couldn't and it gave me a migraine and my head exploded. This woke me up and when I woke I did have a migraine. The second in two days.
I noted something odd when I was thinking about novel. There is a point in the story where Lola is in a car accident and goes into a coma as a result of that. She does regain consciousness but it at least a year and she needed to relearn how to do many things including walking. It is strange that write years and in a way it seems I wrote it inot my life. Just something to think about.
Friday, August 27, 2010
"You May Be Right" by Billy Joel
Thursday, August 26, 2010
You never know
I have had my best relationships as friends with benefits. So anybody reading this please give me your opinion. Am I way off base or am I dealing with this appropriately?????
Time alone
I have also realized that having grown up with no good male role models and a poor female role model I learned early that I needed to take care of myself because I could not depend on anyone else. So my mother was a "helpless", "ill", mother but she was there. I had an abusive step father and 4 other stepfathers that left so little impression that I cannot even remember their names. So where do you look for role models, who do you want to be like? For me, I excelled at school so I was rewarded for good work, for following the rules, for being a good girl and for being smart. So I am an eternal student always wanting to learn through school programs, pleasure reading and learning from the life I live. I also saw that men had control, power, respect so I tried to approach things like a man would. Again this approach was productive for me in my career and in being a student, and it was how I was in relationships. Do I wish I had been different-no way. If I had not chosen the path I chose then I would not be who I am now and I really like her. She's not perfect and never will be but she is open, honest, kind and loving when there were times in her life that she wished she was not all of these things. Now I accept me though I will never stop learning, growing, changing. Life really is an adventure.
I had been where each of the different pictures showed. Looking at those books is probably the last I really sobbed. It felt like a heart ache to see and miss my home.
On to another topic, the man I was dating has drifted away (that sounds more poetic). We celebrated my birthday and that is the last I've seen or heard from him. We (Mayra and I) were prepared to celebrate his birthday which is 13 days after mine. We were so worried about him that we called where he works not to disturb him but to know he was alright. He had gone 5 days once withno contact and had a wound on his arm he said he'd done at work but it looked someone how was trying to slash his wrist. He apologized and explained it had just been a black week. So when I didn't hear from him I was much more worried than mad because I didn't think he would the type to just completely out off contact even if he wanted to stop seeing me I think he would have the balls to tell me. Anyway, he was at work so I can stop picturing lying on the floor dead. I'm glad he is ok and I'm really not even mad that he didn't have the balls to give me whatever reason it was to not come back. If comes back he can be sure it will be only as a friend and this just confirms my original theory that I am allergic to men. Fortunately, I had not become attached emotionally to him so I feel no heartache or loss. I just kind of feel sorry for him.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Said I'd be back
Sorry for the absense
Thursday, August 12, 2010
What's next
Friday, August 6, 2010
Who knows?
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Some stand up comedy
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Hump day
Monday, August 2, 2010
A remembered insight
Friday, July 30, 2010
Can someone be too nice?
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I'm back
Friday, July 23, 2010
7/22/2010 afternoon
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Another day in paradise
Monday, July 19, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Strange day
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
He's human
An inspirational reading
When things go wrong as they sometimes will. When the road you're trudging seems all up hill. When funds are low and debts are high. And you want to smile but you want to sigh. When care is pressing you down a bit-rest if you must but don't you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns as everyone of us sometimes learns, and many a fellow turns about when he might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up though the pace seems slow-you may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than, it seems to faint and faltering man; often the struggler has given up. When he might have captured the victor's cup. And he learned too late when the night came down. How close he came when the night came down how close he came to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out. The silver tint of the cloud of doubt. And you never can tell how close you are. It may be near when it seems afar. So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit. It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
I don't know the author but the words have helped me for decades and still do.
My absense
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursdays seem to come so quickly these days
I heard from my spiritual mentor in the past couple of days. I am so happy. She is always in my heart but now we can communicate in more normal ways. And as soon as I figure out how to link her blog to mine I will do so. She taught me about goddesses, the Feminine Divine and Reiki. She helped me find my spirit. I was looking and the Universe put her right in my path. As a result of my illness and it's effect on my memory, I was unable to access my hotmail account. I couldn't remember my username or my password and microsoft made it impossible to retrieve it. I couldn't even remember the answer to my secret question.
I sent time last night in particular convincing myself I didn't miss a guy I have just recently started seeing. I am so determined to be able to be alone that I am shutting down feelings. And right now I believe it is something I must do to grow to my next level. I don't want to ever need a romantic partner though someday I will find it is okay to want one.
Last night I slipped in the bathroom and fell between the toilet and the bathtub. This was good and bad. It was good because I was able to quite easily pick myself up and get back in my chair. It was bad because all day my side hurt very much. I sat on the couch with the heating pad around me while I read and napped. I still get incredibly fatigued in the middle of the day and even if there is no one hear I wake myself up talking. It's the nacrolepsy that my pulmonologist doesn't believe I have even though I meet the criteria perfectly. Some Dr.'s just don't like informed patients.
In my decades as a therapist I always believed that with a few exceptions I was the best one for the job. And I still believe that to be true in general. However, I have a therapist who is just perfect for me. As I am just shy a dissertation for a Ph.d in parapsychic science and I believe in all things paranormal including intuition, ghosts, spirits, and that we are all part of the Universal force that makes up everything, a more traditional therapist I would not share these things with. As a matter of fact, my dissertation looks at the psychic, the psychotic and the religious mystics/shamans and the similarilities in their brains and brain chemistry leaving only culture to make them either gifted, holy or sick. I am sure that many of the sickiest individauls I have treated or hospitalized really needed someone to teach them about the gifts they had and how to control and use them to benefit themselves and others. In any case, again I am grateful to the universe for putting me with a person who understands and even draws on what I know to increase his knowledge base. I have been reading an article by Judith Orloff, MD and I have learned she is psychic and has been both negatively and positively affected by it. It is more accepted then it used to be and is especially here in Tucson. That may be why I feel so contented here. Well that's it for this entry. More tomorrow.....
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Later on the water shed day
A watershed day
Monday, July 5, 2010
Adult Angst
Friday, July 2, 2010
Thursday afternoon
Thursday, July 1, 2010
July 1st
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Happy Monday
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Later on Sunday
She lived through Fright Night
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Saturday Night
Ah, the weekend
Friday, June 25, 2010
Finally Friday
Had a wonderful dinner out and so comfortable. Hope very much that this lasts. Funny what you find when you're not looking.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The day is improving, I think
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday and Monday
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Saturday sleep over
Friday, June 18, 2010
Still tonight
Today I have a CT scan on my lung and in the afternoon I see Peter. So for me this is a busy day. That's it so far, oh I did finish my "Goddess Aloud" book. It was excellent and I'm going to try and get Mayra to read it too.
Here I sit at 9:31 pm. I am watching/listening to Sex and the City season 1 disc 2. I have had some good news today. My dear friend/daughter in Tucson has gotten accepted to the U of A nursing school. I am so happy for her and me because she'll be in town. I received a copy of my 2nd opinion from the rehab Dr. He is recommending PT, yeah! He recommends it twice a week for 8 weeks. And he feels I will need braces and that the best I can hope for is walking in the house. To me it means dancing in the house. I may have to postpone my trip home. But I know my family will understand since they want me to be as well as I can. I am also missing someone. I don't think he reads this but to protect the innocent, he will remain nameless. And as I miss him I can't help thinking about the line from the movie Dangerous Beauty: "Love love, love not thee the man". I guess that's just part of my fear from all my past lives. I am going to pay attention to Sex and the City for some reason it makes me feel better.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Good night
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Later on Tuesday
Tuesday time to think
29-This charming woman with bouquet in hand, As with the gentleman her cards will command. The fortunes revealed once the cards have been placed, Unveil the concealed that destiny has traced.
5-One tree from earth is best to see. It springs from birth good health for thee. And if the tree should reappear Close to the Key your goal is near.
13- Friends adore you, children even more. Many new friendships are shortly in store. Consorts are many, enemies are few;Kindliness aplenty emanates from you.
12-The birds mean grief but remain in good cheer, Woes will be brief when the birds disappear. If this card is found far distant from you, A voyage is bound to loom into view.
Yesterday I was reading the Goddess Aloud book and though this ritual was not in it it felt right for me at the time. I have no goddess statutes which is what I would have used but I do have a Goddess Oracle Deck.
I closed my record player so I would have a flat surface. I selected my blue chakra candle as lately I have been very hoarse and have almost lost my voice. To me this is obvious, I am not speaking or maybe not even allowing myself to hear my truth. I shuffled the Goddess deck and again four cards fell out. I decided to put the candle in the center and a card in each corner. I put my tamborine in the back to symbolize my ability to make music. A small smooth deep pink rock to symbolize my heart and my crystal, wood and ruby magic wand to indicate that I can make my own magic happen. I lit the candle and read the cards aloud: Brigit-"Don't back down" " Stand up for what you believe is right", Athena- Inner Wisdom-"You know what to do. Trust your inner wisdom, and take appropriate action without delay". Aeracura-Blossoming "You are just getting started, so have patience with yourself and the process, and do not give up". Ishtar-Bopundaries "Love yourself enough to say no to others demands on your time energy". I don't know if in reading these different cards you see the total message there for me but I do and I will honor the guidance I have been given.