The Jounery of Life


Sunday, August 29, 2010

The 21 day consciousness cleanse

The 21 day consciousness cleanse is a book by Debbie Ford a former drug addict who has found a process to help people reach their highest level of consciousness and their soul's purpose. As part of the process she recommends journaling. In so much as my blog is a commentary on my life I will share this process with you in my blog instead of a journal. At day one, I am to look for my souls desires. I am also to come up with prayers, quotes and things that I want to say daily to be of encouragement. I will use Don't Quit, Desidarta, and my Reiki prayer. And use these and pictures that forster those feelings and ideals into creating a vision map. Desire is the flame within us that can either fortify us or make us feel lost. The Morning Practice: Igniting ypur spiritual flame.
What is the condition of my spiritual flame right now-gently burning
1-10 where is it-5, where do you want it to be at end of day-7
What is your intention for the day-write and read in any project I am working on.
The feeling I want from this intention is accomplishment.
I will have to keep the TV and music off and spend a minimal amout of time on the computer to make the intention a reality.
What mantra would be healing and help me manifest my intention: Writing and reading are healing activities for me.
How many times will I need to say this mantra 24
This my process for day one which obviously starting in the evening so it will from tonight to tomorrow night. I will share what I learn about myself using this process and I will continue to share other parts of my journey as before. Today I believe I over did it with walking with walker as my back is more painful then usual. And two nights ago I had a strange dream. At first I lived in the streets and tunnels underground in NY and I was a junkie. Then it went directly to my working in a big company but being at a wedding of a very very fat woman to a good looking guy. I tried to talk her out of marrying him but I couldn't and it gave me a migraine and my head exploded. This woke me up and when I woke I did have a migraine. The second in two days.
I noted something odd when I was thinking about novel. There is a point in the story where Lola is in a car accident and goes into a coma as a result of that. She does regain consciousness but it at least a year and she needed to relearn how to do many things including walking. It is strange that write years and in a way it seems I wrote it inot my life. Just something to think about.

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