The Jounery of Life


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My absense

I was going to say I'd taken some days off writing just because I had nothing interesting or insightful to say. But thanks to my sister and her ability to know just when I need a kick in the a-- and some love and support I will not wear my armor. The past few days I have been very depressed and slept most of the day and night. I honestly can't put a finger on why I was feeling so depressed but I have learned to allow myself to feel whatever it is I feel. I think some of it is the waiting for PT to start. I have to wait for an opening. I'm tired of being wheelchair bound and tired of being strong and upbeat. How I feel now and this past weekend will be short lived. It is not in my nature to be this way but I am human and sometimes it just all feels to heavy. So there my friend I have taken my armor off not just with you but with whoever reads my blog. I don't want sympathy or pity I just want to be heard and accepted. And I do have some interesting things to say and some insights but I am still not able to formulate them in a good way to put them in words.

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