The Jounery of Life


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy June 1st

Well, wouldn't you just know the person to comment on my blog is the dearest man I've met. Jaime is a person I wouldn't have met if this hadn't happened to me. He's been funny, encouraging and a great support for me and I hope I've been able to do the same for you Jaime! We will both walk. You know anything is possible. I want you to have as much belief in yourself as you do in me. See now getting a friend like Jaime is one of the wonderful things that came out of my illness.
And now speaking of encouraging things, I LOVE music, of course, and that's why I love to dance. Not being a big fan of country when I did see it on CMT/GAC, I was fortunate enough to see Laura Bell Bundy. She has a couple of videos on there now. My favorite is Giddy On Up, Giddy On Out. It is the best video and the best song to hear if you are getting over a break up or have one that still sticks a knife in your heart. It's a funny "You Oughta know". Please if you're into music check out Laura Bell Bundy at her videos are on the first page. When I get up in the morning I like going through my old LP's and listening to the music I grew up with. Currently, we are on the Beatles 1967-1970. Those years certainly had their up's and down's but I made it. Off to get my morning coffee. I'm not sure what blogs are "supposed" to be but mine will be a running commentary on my life, the lessons I've learned and the one's I'm still learning. I would love honest feedback or questions. If you think it stinks you don't need to tell me that like a TV station or radio you can just not log on to see what this weird person is writing about today. This is for me and for all the people out there that are trying to figure this crazy life out, which I won't be able to do if I don't get some coffee!
Ok my world is stable now I have my coffee. Even when I'm not near my computer or writing, I'm thinking about what I want to say. While getting my coffee I was thinking about what I hope this blog does besides help me stay sane. I want it to benefit those who chose to read it. I thought of the old adage "To thine own self be true". I've always believed it even if I didn't always live my life that way. I guess getting sick and not walking gave me a chance to really try and live that way. I've always been an honest person but not always with myself. Now I live everyday as though it's my last and I've become (I believe) as honest a human as one can be especially to myself. Never ever let anyone guilt you into being or doing anything you don't want. It will kill your spirit. It killed mine well maybe it was just in a coma and it's coming back to me now.
I won't be writing all the time. I have home health care aides that come in twice a day, 2 hours in the morning and 2 in the evening. They help me with house cleaning and taking care of anything I can't do myself. I have been blessed to have two of the most wonderful young women. One is no longer here. She moved to CA to be with her family for awhile. The other one, Mayra, I hope you don't mind my using your name. She is another gift from the universe. I have her most of the time. She just graduated from nursing school in May. She takes care me like my daughter would if she could. Jennifer, you would be very happy to see how she is with me. It would help you to not worry so much until I'm back home with you.
Today is a special day. I found a wonderful lawyer who was willing to take my case pro bono. What case you may asking yourself? Well, about 2-3 weeks before I ended up in the hospital ER, I had an accident. And being this ridiculously honest person that I am I told the officers I had taken my prescribed meds at around 2 am and this fender bender happened on my way to work around 8. Well, that's all they needed to hear. They sent me to get blood drawn. It wasn't the medication that had me distracted it was the pain. I felt as though someone was cutting me in half. I also didn't realize just how very sick I was. I was always one to just keep going no matter what. Anyway, they charged me with a DUI. I was and continue to be mortified by that. The origin lawyer got it dismissed because the results of the bloodwork never came back, without prejudice which means they can refile anytime within 7 years. About 6 weeks ago, I was served with papers for me to go an arrainment and today is supposed to be my pretrial sentencing. Thank God and the Universe that I found Diane, my new lawyer. She took care of the arrainment and learned that the prosecutors office was even unaware of the refiling. Anyway, she said "don't worry I'll be there and take care of it, you stay put". So I am curious about what will happen. I plead not guilty because I am not guilty. I just didn't know at the time that I had a staphalocus (sp)aurelis bacteria eating my spine and spinal cord until I lost the use of my legs. If I had taken more meds I probably wouldn't have been in quite as much pain and would have made it to work successfully! Anyway, I'll keep you informed. Again, I want to thank and send my love to my very dear friend, one who truly understands, Jaime for being the fisrt person to read and comment on my blog. We will walk together. We just both have to keep holding each other until that happens. I will be back. It's time for Mayra.

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